Brita- Let's Move Campaign
Co-branding on the go. We worked with Sprout, and Brita to help get their message to kids and parents while seamlessly integrating with the White House "Let's Move" campaign.
SC Johnson
Lunchbox helped make SCJohnson campaigns kid friendly to make the grade to run on NBC Sprout.
White House | Black Market
Yoga instructor Karen Gagnier is one of 25 women who tell their inspiring stories of living beyond breast cancer as part of this Lunchbox video campaign that sent more than 50,000 viewers per month to the White House Black Market and LLBC.org websites.
Equine Extremist Tommy Turvey Jr. ropes in sales for Budweiser.
Coca-Cola at Universal
Our design group in Atlanta came up with great co-branding interstitials to run on digital signage throughout Universal's Theme Parks.
Cancer Be Glammed
CBG engaged Lunchbox to rebrand with a more glamourous feel for a new style guide and a unique fashion web series.
Sprout Interstitials
Lunchbox created new stunts and interstitials to work with Sprout's crafty brand.
Health Focus Media
Developing brand packaging and targeted programming for the new digital channel premiering in physician offices and health clinics across the country.